Well, hello there!
Welcome to a website that bears my name.
Little weird, isn’t it?

This is me, a creative professional obsessed with pitch decks and fun, authentic brands

My cheat sheet

  • I ask too many questions.
    I hate boredom, sameness, small talk, and bs.
    I believe in learning the rules so I can break them with intention.

    While this combo of traits makes for some super awkward moments, I’ve learned it’s also a recipe for effective brand strategy.

    Early in my design career, I discovered that a designer who asks too many (good) questions is actually a brand strategist.

  • I also studied to be an architect. Even though I didn’t pursue a path in architecture, that foundational 3D thinking became my approach as a brand strategist:

    I’ve been described as a tree house architect—motivated by childlike wonder to conceptualize a brand with a team, and eager to start building it together.

    I’ve also been described by one of my mentors as Hurricane Dot, but that’s another story.

  • Once, I won a student scientific contest with a pitch deck thrown together the night before instead of working on a scientific project for a whole semester.

    Turns out, I’m good at telling stories and cutting straight to the substance in a narrative.

    I see pitch decks as a tool to quickly identify and address important problems in a company. In an investor deck, the strengths and weaknesses of your brand are laid bare. Something’s either there, or it’s not.

    I love helping founders push past perceived boundaries to build the story of their vision, and strengthen the strategy supporting it.

    I’m the happiest when I see a simple deck creating big emotions. Laughter, tears, heavy silence, instantly called board meetings in Fortune 500 companies.

    • INFJ (ENFJ on a good day)

    • admirer of the National Parks

    • collector of board games and co-founder of a board game store

    • really bad at orientation and running

    • surprisingly good at weird analogies, baking pogácsa, making new friends and useless details

    • made sure to utilize the official highlighter yellow color featured on her website #E9FF31

with me

  • I have an entire agency dedicated to that!

    At Pitchcamp Agency, we specialize in creating pitch decks with a key objective in mind: obtaining funding for startups.

    By integrating a workshop that empowers founders to effectively convey their company's vital messages with the remarkable abilities of our design and copywriter team, we captivate investors' interest and pave the path to financial backing.

  • This is the part I absolutely love. Diving deeper, asking all the questions, uncovering incredible insights.

    By the end of our 5-session workshop series, founders will truly grasp, communicate, develop, and fall head over heels for their company's brand in ways they never thought possible.

  • In this offer for accelerators the portfolio startups gain valuable insights on pitch decks and branding, we empower them to captivate investors and create a strong brand identity in just a few sessions. Click here to find out more.

  • If none of the above options suit your preferences for working together, feel free to message me anyway. We'll find a way to add value to your company.

I have something better than testimonials here.

Find me at these other cool places

Find me at these other cool places ✘

Pitchcamp Agency

A creative branding agency or as we like to call it, a trusted guide on an exciting adventure, helping founders conquer the wild terrains of business.
We specialize in nurturing startups from their very first pitch all the way to crafting a complete brand strategy.
Our team of skilled trailblazers will navigate through the twists and turns of the startup world, equipping you with a captivating story, eye-catching visuals, and a strategic compass to navigate the competitive wilderness.


A one-of-a-kind networking call designed to unite socially awkward yet absolutely awesome professionals who despise traditional networking events but yearn for connection and camaraderie.

On our monthly call we leave behind the discomfort of forced small talk and embrace the awkwardness that binds us.

Join us on this unconventional journey of self-expression, laughter, and the discovery of kindred spirits who understand the beauty of being delightfully different.